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Odnoklassniki my page open mine. Odnoklassniki - my page

The social network Odnoklassniki is the second most popular in Russia after VKontakte. It is generally accepted that the main audience of this social network is by no means young people - housewives and people over 45. Yes, unlike Contact, there are even grannies over 70. But nevertheless, the bulk of the population of OK.RU are young people from 24 to 35, and there are no fewer men than women.
It just so happened historically that the social network Odnoklassniki appeared on the Runet in 2005, which is a year earlier than VK.COM, and even for this reason it is kind of older. She is also older in terms of the behavior of her participants on pages and in groups. Indeed, would a schoolchild rage and swear in public if one of his parents or relatives, close or distant, could read it? Therefore, although there will not be much order here, there will be more order.

Unfortunately, not everyone is yet computer savvy and navigates the Internet like a duck to water. This is especially difficult for older people. Having registered on once, they are subsequently unable to access their Odnoklassniki page.

The second striking example is when the system administrator, by order of management (or on his own initiative, which is less common), has blocked access to Odnoklassniki at work or at college. This restriction is made using the settings of a proxy server or corporate Internet gateway. When users try to access, they receive the message “access denied.” What to do in this case and how to get into your favorite social network?! We will talk about all this with you now.

Login to the Odnoklassniki website from a computer or laptop

This is the most common and simplest method, used by about 70% of social network visitors. In order to log into Odnoklassniki from a computer running Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, you just need to launch a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Opera, Firefox) and enter the address in the address bar: and press the Enter button. After this, you will see this colorful page with a separate form for entering your login and password:

If you are visiting the Odnoklassniki website for the first time and do not have a login and password for authorization, then in order to log into OK.RU you will first have to.

However, you can also log in through the old address. By entering in the address bar you will be automatically redirected to the page:
where the authorization form is located, or it will transfer to “My Page” if you are already authorized on the site and the login and password are remembered by the browser.

OK.RU login to the site via the mobile version

Like any self-respecting Internet portal, Odnoklassniki also has a mobile version of the site. You get to it when you try to access from a tablet or phone. The web server will recognize this device and switch you from a regular theme to one designed specifically for various gadgets. Her address is and she looks like this:

Despite the fact that in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki everything is grouped as compactly as possible, taking into account small screens, nevertheless, all the functionality of the full version remains here. Enter your username and password and go ahead to communicate with friends and family, wherever you are!

Free Odnoklassniki application for tablets and phones

Considering the ever-increasing number of mobile gadgets among its visitors, the management of the Mail.Ru Group concern, which owns the social network, decided to develop a special mobile application. It was first released for Windows Phone in 2013. Then, in 2014, a free application appeared for Android (download) and iPhone & iPad (download), each of which is available in the standard application store for its operating system.

Logging into “My Page” from the mobile application is as easy as shelling pears. Installed, launched and working! The only possible difficulty is remembering your username and password:

After this, we will be greeted by the main program window with an event feed. The opportunities here are the same as on the site. Only more convenient:

Personally, I like the program more than the mobile version. There is a convenient menu and focus on finger control, sound control, and the ability to save pictures, incl. and GIF format. And much, much more. Install it and judge for yourself!

Have you blocked access to Odnoklassniki at work? No problem!

In many enterprises, firms and offices, it has recently become a fashion - management likes to restrict access to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte and gives appropriate instructions to the system administrator. They say that social networks interfere with work, labor productivity drops, attention is scattered, it is more difficult for an employee to concentrate on a task, etc. And if you poke your head in, the leader himself has gone to his page and is sitting there enjoying life. He has access. Not in order! Why are we worse? A special online service called Anonymizer, which is essentially a simple web proxy, will help us deceive the system specialist and go to “My Page” on OK.RU when access is closed. The meaning of its work is simple: you go to an anonymizer site and through it you get to your favorite social network. Pros: anonymity. The system administrator of your company, and therefore the management, will never know that you visited Odnoklassniki on “My Page”. Disadvantages - there is a risk that your password may be stolen. But it can also be stolen from a home computer or laptop, so here you need to comply with basic computer security requirements. As everywhere else, however. I will give you 4 of the most convenient, in my opinion, free services.

It’s not for nothing that I put this anonymizer first on the list. The fact is that it is very fast and convenient, and without annoying advertising. But that's not all its advantages. Another significant advantage is that it has THREE COMPATIBILITY MODES, which can be changed on the fly in a drop-down window:

Here you can quickly change the country and IP address through which you make an anonymous login to Separately, I would like to note that this is a relatively new service and system administrators practically do not know about it, and therefore do not ban it.


A very popular web proxy in Russia and the CIS countries. As you can see in the screenshot, it is already optimized for the social networks, and YouTube:

Here you can choose what to focus on - the speed of opening pages or maximum compatibility. It is also possible to purchase access to the advanced version, where you can block scripts on opened sites, including prohibiting advertising modules. There is one minus, but a significant one - it is well known to networkers and access to it can often be denied in the same way as to


A free service that provides access to blocked sites. Its main focus is social networks, so it suits us perfectly:

Works without showing ads. It moves very quickly. I personally did not notice any compatibility problems. Even the background image shows what not every web proxy can boast of. In addition, the developers assure a high degree of reliability and security.


This is a universal service, simple and neat, although without a specific focus on certain entertainment services.

It allows you to remove Java, JavaScript, cookies and ActiveX from pages if necessary. The big advantage is that it works using the https protocol, which means you can download pictures and music to your computer, and the system administrator will never see this in the logs.

P.S. I think that having mastered the article completely, you will not have problems logging into “My Page” on and you can do this without any problems either from a home desktop computer, laptop or tablet, but at work or university, even when access to To classmates, a cunning system administrator. Good luck to all!

If you have problems logging into Odnoklassniki, this article will help solve the most common problems. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations are designed specifically for troubleshooting errors on your own when people are looking for the answer " I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page».

You cannot log into Odnoklassniki for the following reasons:

Forgot the address of your Odnoklassniki page.

One of the most common cases is when people are just starting to learn how to use the Internet and if the browser settings go wrong, they don’t know and therefore cannot log into. Launch the browser: Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Chrome.

As a rule, the program shortcut is located on the desktop or taskbar; double-click on it with the mouse.

In the address bar, enter the address: or

In the window that opens, enter your username and password. If the data was saved before, you will automatically log in to Odnoklassniki without a password.

Forgot your login or password for Odnoklassniki...

Go to the page of the social networking site and click “Forgot your password”.

You will be prompted to enter your login, email address, or phone number. After entering the data, you will receive a message by email or phone containing the access code to the page. After this, you will need to re-create the password combination to log into Odnoklassniki.

Access to classmates is closed.

Very often, offices or companies specifically block social networks so that employees do not waste their working time. But there are times when you really need to read or send a message, congratulate someone, or simply take the necessary information from your page. What to do in this case?

One of the options is to go to the site from your phone or use the special Anonymizer service.

The anonymizer allows you to bypass in most cases the restrictions of system administrators and installed network filters.
Several services that provide access to Odnoklassniki:

They ask you to enter a phone number or send an SMS.

You will be asked to enter a phone number if you visited the page from different IP addresses, and they are very different geographically. This can happen while traveling, using an anonymizer, or your page has been hacked (the attacker lives in another city), or they have been sending SPAM. In the first two cases there is nothing wrong, you need to confirm the phone number and enter the code in the received SMS message.

If you have not traveled and do not use an anonymizer for Odnoklassniki, there is a high probability that your page has been hacked. We strongly recommend that you provide your phone number or email and restore access.

Go to the page settings and check your data (phone number, email), and then change your password.
If you are asked to enter a phone number and then send an SMS message to confirm, these are scammers. The official website of the social network never requires you to send an SMS to any number to restore access. It is difficult for a visually untrained person to distinguish a real page from a fake one, so one of the recommendations is to try to access your wanderer from another computer or through a smartphone (). If you log in without problems, it means there is a virus on your computer or the Host file has been specially modified.
Read on to learn how to fight the virus on Odnoklassniki.

The virus is blocking the Odnoklassniki website.

If a virus blocks a site from your computer or you go to a site and you are asked to send an SMS message, but from another you can freely access your page, then you need to take appropriate measures.

First step. Check the Host file.

It is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Click on it and open it using notepad. The last line should contain: localhost,
There should be no other entries after this line; all unnecessary entries should be deleted. Look carefully to see if there is any scrolling in the notepad, because... Sometimes entries are hidden at the very end of the page, with a lot of empty lines added before it. If the hosts file is in perfect order, the next step is to scan your computer for viruses.

From the official website, download one utility to choose from for searching and removing viruses:
- Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
- Dr.Web CureIt!
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

For example, Dr.Web CureIt!

Download the utility and run it.

In the window that appears, click “Start scanning”

At the end of the scan, the program will show a list of viruses found that were detected and neutralized (quarantined). After restarting your computer, you can try to access the Odnoklassniki website.

Remember! To avoid catching the virus again, follow simple rules.

  • no need to open suspicious emails from strangers that arrive by mail;
  • enter login and password from classmates on sites other than the official one;
  • click on suspicious pop-up windows that ask you to perform this or that action;
  • Be sure to install an antivirus on your computer.

This is interesting:
Grandmother cooks toast for her grandson for dinner. To prepare them, she uses a small frying pan that can only hold two bread slices. It takes one minute to fry each side of a slice of bread. To cook three croutons, grandma only needs three minutes instead of the obvious four. How does she manage to do this?

Go to page "

Our site was created to help people solve problems that some users may find unsolvable. And so today we will look at the topic “Login to your Odnoklassniki page,” which a lot of our readers were interested in.

Each registered user on the Odnoklassniki social networking site has his own personal page, which he can access using the login form located on the website, which looks like this in the browser:

In the login form, enter your login (email or mobile phone number) and the password you set. Use the “Login” button to log in.

Carefully check that it is displayed correctly in the address bar of your browser. It should look like this and no different:

The administration of the social network will never ask you to send an SMS to a short number to receive a code. If you end up on a site that asks you to enter your phone number and then send an SMS - these are scammers, leave it! On the Internet, sites that are created only for the purpose of profit and do not carry any useful information are now very popular.

Why do you need your own page on Odnoklassniki?

Each user of the site has a personal page, which is often called my page in Odnoklassniki. On this page, a person can communicate with his friends and acquaintances, exchange comments and likes, vote for photos of his friends, give gifts and receive OKs.

This social network provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with people who are far from you, helps you find your friends, acquaintances, classmates, relatives and other people close to you. But, it is worth noting that you can search without going through registration - through a special one.

A special, advanced search with which you can search for your loved ones by first name, last name, city, country, age and many other important criteria.

The resource is constantly developing, its functionality is constantly being updated, and various innovations are being introduced. The only thing that has remained unchanged on this site for many years is user registration. This procedure is very simple and anyone can register by creating their own profile, filling out information about themselves and proudly calling it “My page on the Odnoklassniki website,” which is essentially the main page on Odnoklassniki!


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My page in Odnoklassniki - Go to the page, 4.7 out of 5 based on 602 ratings

By entering the search query: Odnoklassniki my page (open my page), the user is taken to the site login menu. Let's consider a situation where the account owner cannot open a personal page in Odnoklassniki. Such problems happen, and there may be several reasons for closing the login to your profile.

The most common problem is lack of internet. As a rule, the fact that the cause is a faulty Internet is the last thing people think about. Such troubles often occur in the evenings, when most people are at home and the load on the network increases sharply. Or maybe the network cable just came loose. Therefore, first of all, check the quality of the connection.

If you just want to go to your page, then click on the link below, but remember the Odnoklassniki website address can only be this:

Odnoklassniki my page: login

Beware of scammers!

Sometimes the administration of Odnoklassniki carries out preventive measures necessary to troubleshoot problems and increase the productivity of the site. In this case, all that remains is to wait until the technical work is completed.

Some users absent-mindedly forget their login or password for the system. If you use your home computer to log into the site, the data is saved by a password manager. Then you don't need to keep the information in your head.

But if you want to log into Odnoklassniki from someone else’s computer or laptop, and the data is partially forgotten, you will have to work a little. You won't be able to log in without a password or login. So, your actions. Go link. Since you don’t remember your password, click on the line “Forgot your password?”

From the proposed options, choose what you remember exactly, for example, your phone number.

In the new window, enter your country of residence, the phone number to which the page was registered, and click the “Search” button. Next you see the following notification:

Click the “Send code” button and wait for an SMS message to your phone or email, depending on what you chose. Enter the received code in the field and click “Confirm”.

You will have to come up with a new password, so be sure to write it down somewhere. Once a new password has been created, you can enter it on the login page and use the site. If you want to recover your password using your login, then click here.

Again, wait for the code on your phone or email. The easiest way to recover a password is using personal data. Every user remembers his first and last name (if they are real in the profile). Click on “Personal information”.

Enter your name in the field and look for your photo among the results.


If the entrance to the site is blocked by the system administrator, the user can use special programs called:

  • Anonymizers.
  • Mirrors.
  • Bypassers.

There are a lot of such utilities. There is no need to download them - you can log in to the site online. Simply enter the address of the desired site (in this case “Odnoklassniki”) into the search bar of the program and press “Enter”. You enter the site not from your IP address, but through a proxy server.


If you can’t imagine your life without social networks, and you are interested in the social network Odnoklassniki, my page: login without login and password, Login instantly and without problems Our recommendations will help you.

In Odnoklassniki today more than 300 million people are registered. This means that every 22 inhabitants of our planet are a user of this popular social network. With such active traffic, the likelihood of finding relatives and acquaintances through Odnoklassniki increases every day. Therefore, proper use of social networks allows you to maintain established connections and make new acquaintances.

However, it is not communication alone that makes the social network Odnoklassniki my page beautiful: Odnoklassniki my page, which can be entered without a login and password, has a wide range of services and media entertainment that can make your life more active, vibrant, interesting, and attractive. We are offering to you one of the easiest ways.

  1. First of all, look for Odnoklassniki in the address bar.
  2. In order to log into Odnoklassniki immediately, you will still need to log in once, that is, log in and press the button Remember me.
  3. Attention, you can click on this option only on your computer, and also if you are sure that no one else will enter your page from your device.
  4. Mobile version of login to Odnoklassniki does not contain the “Remember me” function. To successfully display Odnoklassniki my page on your phone: login without a login and password is possible after downloading the application to your phone.
  5. ForiPhone use the AppStore app, and for AndroidPlayMarket. In both cases, you need to find the official application through the search and install it on your device. After successful download, the Odnoklassniki social network will always be at your fingertips, that is, on your smartphone. It is enough to log in once, as in the computer version.
  6. You can also not download the application, but log into Odnoklassniki from the main page by entering your username and password and clicking the option Save password.

As you can see, the first authorization makes it possible to open my page next time without a login and password. However, this doesn't always work. For example, you pressed the button in Odnoklassniki Go out, or they did it for you.

You could also, for example, clear the browser cache, update the system, reinstall the browser or simply “catch” the virus. In this case, you will have to enter the data again. Also, problems with logging into the page occur when a computer or laptop has 2 users who use the same browser. And everyone wants to open their own Odnoklassniki page without a login and password. Two separate browsers will help to reconcile such users, in which each person’s personal pages will be authorized.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Users often come up with the following problems: “I can’t open Odnoklassniki”, “can’t access the page”, etc. If you're used to go to OK via browser, then you may not remember your password. Fortunately, the system will help you restore your login to my Odnoklassniki page.

  1. Enter the information you definitely remember: phone number, email address, login or link to profile.
  2. Next, follow the instructions: if you entered an address or phone number, you will receive message with code, which you need to enter.
  3. If you do not have access to contact information, please contact support.

When you receive all the data necessary for recovery, you can open your long-awaited page. To do this, you will have to come up with a new password and enter it, to be sure, twice, but your triumphant entry to odnoklassniki will be saved!

You can open ok without such Herculean efforts; the problem may be hidden in small details that are invisible at first glance. For example, user enters a password on the Russian keyboard or I forgot to turn off Caps Lock. It is important that the password is not too simple, otherwise some stranger may accidentally “remember” it.

On the other hand, if you choose a complex password, you run the risk of forgetting it yourself, so write it down in a notepad or use a password saver (for example, RoboForm program). This program will allow you to open my page without a password, since you can automatically fill in the login information for a particular account.

Login to Odnoklassniki using autofill

All modern browsers support the function of remembering data entered into the form, including login and password information. For safety reasons, it is recommended connect your profile to the browser, storing data in the cloud. The Chrome browser automatically includes a Smart Lock feature designed specifically for storing passwords.

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Go to Settings(top right corner).
  3. Select an option from the list Additional