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What do the Twitter icons mean? Emoticons on Twitter - how to insert them and where you can copy pictures of emoticons for Twitter

Twitter has increased the number of characters from 140 to 280. For now it’s a test period, but the innovation has already been met with hostility. Users began to actively divide into “Old Believers,” who were disgusted by the idea of ​​increasing posts on this social network, and those who, on the contrary, did not have enough space for thought. And, of course, they joke and make memes. For now, making do with the old 140 characters.

On September 27, a real revolution took place on Twitter. The microblogging service, in test mode, doubled the usual number of characters - from 140 to 280. However, users around the world did not like the idea. Among the main arguments is that it was this limitation that eliminated uninteresting users and created its own 140-character atmosphere.

And, of course, Twitter was reminded of another long-awaited feature that never appeared, despite requests.

Why is there 140 characters on Twitter?

Twitter's 140-character limit was inspired by the Latin SMS limit, although it was slightly longer (160 characters). The founder of the company, Jack Dorsey, also mentioned this, using a new format.

This may be a small change, but a big step for us. The 140 characters were a random choice based on the 160 character SMS limit. I'm proud of how thoughtful the team was in solving the problem people were having when trying to tweet. And at the same time they managed to keep our brevity, speed and essence!

By the way, they have tried to increase the number of characters on Twitter before. The company wanted to allow longer tweets in both 2014 and 2016, and both times the idea was received critically. Both times users put brevity first.

Although one cannot but agree that in 280 characters it is easier to express one’s indignation, which users love, as can be seen at least in the example of a Japanese blogger who was for reporting about killing a mosquito.

We have no doubt that most Twitter users have already wondered where to get emojis to post in their tweets. And some may have wondered - are these funny faces needed in tweets at all? After all, the maximum volume is already limited to 140 characters. But it is not always possible to convey an emotional state or feelings using text. That's why people love emoticons so much!

Let's find out how you can put an emoticon in your tweet. There are several ways:

  • Firstly, you can use some kind of widely used and known to Internet users a combination of punctuation marks, brackets, numbers and other symbols. Each main emoticon is traditionally designated by a specific combination of symbols. For example, a smile and a good mood are often depicted as 🙂 or:), sadness - 🙁 or:-(. Wink - 😉 or;).
  • You can also use a special free program. It's called "Trollbar". This plugin adds a lot of emoticons to social networks, among other things, to Twitter. Trollbar is safe as it is not associated with spreading viruses. Like other services, it also doesn’t steal passwords – so don’t worry about security. The program installs in less than a minute and is very easy to use.

The trollbat service will help you add a lot of original tweets to Twitter

This is interesting: Not long ago, special keyboards began to be sold, on which some of the buttons are reserved for emoticons.

A special keyboard for emoji lovers

If you already understand how to insert an emoticon on Twitter, then each new tweet will look brighter, more optimistic and interesting than the previous ones. Still, funny grimacing faces or pictures (both animated and non-animated) have long ago become an integral part of Internet communication. Emoticons are used by almost all famous personalities, including politicians and show business stars. The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, since excessive saturation of posts with them reduces the readability of the text. And this is fraught with a potential decrease in the number of your followers.

Emoticons will help diversify your conversation on Twitter. But don't overdo them!

This is interesting: Even before April 2 last year, squares were displayed instead of emoticons in tweets posted by users. However, the developers took into account the wishes of the audience and worked to ensure that people’s communication was as comfortable as possible. That is, Twitter has had its own set of emoticons for almost a year now. Moreover, they are all displayed the same way – both on the website and in the smartphone application.


Now let's learn about the most popular way to add emoticons on Twitter. To do this, go to the website and click on the link “ Twitter symbols emojis". At the top of the page that opens you will see a field for writing tweets, and at the bottom - hundreds of emoticons, divided into groups.

Of course, there are emoticons in the classical sense - that is, emotions on the face. There are also various gestures, hearts for every taste, hats, shoes, etc. So, you can, by clicking the mouse several times, inform your friend so that she does not forget to take an umbrella with her!

Section of standard emoticons on the Pilliapp website - emotions, hearts, etc.

Special emoticons from a separate section will inform your subscribers about their zodiac signs and demonstrate the watch face to your late friend. This is not all, on this page you will even find hieroglyphs.

Special emoticons section on the Pilliapp website - Zodiac signs, watches and much more

Emoticons such as buildings, houses, cars, flags, planes and factories will help your interlocutor understand the topic if he is a visual learner.

Section of symbols associated with a place - restaurants, houses, trams and planes

With the next group of icons, you can invite the girl you like for a cup of tea, if, of course, you know how to find her on Twitter. Letters, musical instruments, fruits, berries, hammers - there are many more emojis here than you can imagine.

Objects section: anything - from fruits to bicycles

And you can add fish, bunnies, cats or tweets to a message addressed to your loved one.

Section of "natural" symbols on the Pilliapp website - trees, animals and much more

Service piliapp will help you write an interesting tweet with any of these emoticons. You have two ways - you can type the text of the tweet directly in the interface of the service itself. The second option is to simply copy the emoji you need from the tweet input window and transfer it to Twitter (to your tweet) manually.

How to send a tweet with emoticons directly from the Piliapp service?

Some emoticons are displayed as squares

Let's select a few characters and copy them

For 140 characters (more precisely, 139), we were able to type, for example, the following tweet from emoticons:

This is what emoticons copied from Pilliapp look like in a tweet field

After publication it looked like this:

Tweet with emoji from Pilliapp

Useful information: Depending on the “complexity” of the icon, it can take up from 1 to 4 characters in a tweet.


Are you interested in knowing which emojis are most used by Twitter users around the world? Then welcome to

On the main page of the site you will see hundreds of emoticons, sorted by the number of times they are used by Twitter users.

On you will see all the most popular emojis and the number of their uses

This is interesting: Next to each emoji there is a number indicating how many times it was used by Twitter users.

And if you click on any of the emoticons, you will see an online feed of tweets in which users use it. By the way, if you choose one of the most popular emoticons, you simply won’t have time to read all the tweets with it, they update so quickly.

Online feed of tweets containing the heart emoticon


American programmer and application developer Bradley Griffith created a special map a few months ago, which he called Silicon Feeling. When you go to, you'll see an interactive globe that displays, in real time, the Emoji used on Twitter across the planet.

This web application only shows messages that contain geographic information about the sender.

This is interesting: Emoji emoticons are displayed on the interactive globe with exceptional accuracy - as soon as one of the users posts a tweet with an emoticon, this emoticon appears on the map for a few seconds. Moreover, in a place corresponding to the location of the sender.

All users and participants of the social platform will now be able to type 280 characters on Twitter. The restrictions will be lifted within a few days to the 140 character limit.

After weeks of testing with a limited number of participants, Twitter is increasing its standard 140 characters per post to 280 characters. The updated feature should be available to everyone who uses Twitter through the mobile app or website. To take advantage of new features, you may need to update the application to the latest version.

280 characters on Twitter are available to all users

In a blog post, Twitter's product manager said that while all users will now be able to send tweets up to 280 characters it is likely that many will continue write 140 characters. And they will use large tweets only when necessary.

Twitter increased message length to 280 characters

All users will be able to use the entire tweet length, as this will be the standard for most languages. However, users of Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages ​​are an exception. Twitter says the expanded limit will allow for simplified expression while maintaining the social network's micro-blog element.

Testing of the new feature on Twitter was launched back in September, which is what we're talking about. When the company launched the test, some users were concerned that Twitter's brevity might be lost. And 280 characters will compare it with other social networks. But, from the data obtained from the experiment on the use of extended messages, the company made sure that this was not the case.

Twitter is testing increasing message length to 280 characters

According to the testing data obtained, only 5 percent of all messages sent exceeded 140 characters. At that time, only 2 percent exceeded 190 characters. And the maximum amount in 280 characters only 1% of the group used it.

It also reported that users who accessed 280-character tweets received more likes, retweets and mentions, gained more new followers and spent more time on the social network Twitter in their account. Recall that as of 2017, the microblogging site has about 328 million monthly active users.

To start using the full 280 character Twitter length, you need to take the following steps.

That's all the instructions. And so that you know for sure that the limit is coming to an end, a circle icon is shown in the lower right corner of the window. When you still have 18 characters left until the end, the corresponding number will appear near the circle.

Let's try to write the maximum limit of 280 characters! Leave your feedback on this article on our Twitter and we'll see who can write the biggest review!
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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not long ago I wrote about, but many of us do the same. What about expressing emotions using emoticons in this popular micro-blogging service?

It turns out that this is not particularly great, because there is no tooltip with a set of funny faces and other symbols and pictures that can help more accurately express the feelings that overwhelm you or more easily describe the necessary emotions and impressions.

No, of course, you can use , which everyone will understand [like, 🙂 :) 😂 :"-) 🙁 :-(], but in the text of your tweet they are not automatically converted into pictures, and will remain a combination of characters. Of course, better than nothing, but I wanted more.

Today we’ll talk about the ways in which you can insert a beautiful emoticon into Twitter and where these same emoticons can be borrowed, since Twitter has yet acquired its own tooltip with emoticons. In fact, everything is very simple, although a little less convenient than in the same Contact. But beauty requires sacrifice...

How can I manually insert an emoji into a Twitter message?

Essentially, there are three ways to solve the problem of adding emoticons to Twitter: install special extensions for the browser, use a special online service, or “stupidly” copy the desired emoticon from a page where there are tons of them (I will provide links to such pages below).

However, the first option personally seems “dangerous” to me, because all sorts of add-ons (especially free ones) can have a “double bottom” and create unnecessary problems with your computer’s security. Therefore, today I will focus on only two options - copying an emoticon for Twitter via the clipboard and pasting them into a message using a special service.

So, about a year ago (or a little more), Twitter finally began to support and display the . True, a special window (tooltip) with options for these same emoticons did not appear, but at least in messages they began to be displayed in the form of pictures, and not in the form of incomprehensible squares. And thanks for that...

Thus, our task comes down to finding a web page somewhere that will contain many of the Emoji pictures you need, adding this page to your browser bookmarks and accessing it as needed to copy the appropriate emoticon to your next one. tweet. It’s a little complicated, but quite doable.

With your permission, as the first one, I will offer you the above page of my own blog. There, all the emoticons are divided into categories, by clicking on the name of which you can go directly there (so as not to scroll through the long list manually).

I’ll immediately make a reservation that, unlike Contact, the social network Twitter does not understand the emoticon codes listed in the list (it will not convert them into pictures when publishing a tweet), so copy the emoticon icons (actually these are font characters). To do this, select the icon with the mouse and press Ctlr+C on the keyboard (while the cursor is on the selected emoticon icon):

After this, the smiley gets into , and to insert it, you just need to place the cursor at the desired place in your new message on the Twitter website and press the key combination Ctlr+V (or right-click in this place and select the “Insert” context menu item):

True, instead of the icon, an incomprehensible square will be displayed for now, but as soon as you publish a message by pressing the “Tweet” button, in place of the square the beautiful icon you copied will be displayed.

Official Twitter emoticons for inserting into messages

However, after Emoji began to be displayed normally in tweets, the owners of this service themselves released a set of eight hundred emoticons that can be used for insertion. Official Twitter emoticons you can find on the given page. To insert them, you can copy not the picture itself, but the symbol shown in the first column:

The list below is broken down by topic (in the top menu). After inserting it into the message field, you will see the same incomprehensible square, but after publishing it, it will miraculously transform into the picture of your choice.

How to add emoticons to Twitter through an online service?

There are probably many services similar to the one described in this article, but for some reason I liked this one. The essence of his work is quite simple.

You are visiting the page and you see at the very top a form where you should write your next Twitter message. You type text in it, and insert the necessary emoticons in the right places (simply by clicking on their images in the lower part of the page). Usability is not great, but it’s better than copy-pasting pictures:

Just to the right of the form for entering tweet text and adding emoticons, you will see two buttons: “Copy” and "Tweet". The first one serves to move the entire message with the codes of the icons you have selected to the clipboard for subsequent pasting into the message input field on the Twitter website, and the second button will immediately take you to the page for adding a tweet and you just have to click the button to publish it:

In this field, instead of beautiful pictures, you will again see squares, but after publication everything will fall into place:

It’s also probably not the most convenient option, but until Twitter appears next to the form for entering a new message (or comment) with its own tooltip with emoticons, nothing more elegant will be designed. In the absence of fish and cancer - fish...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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