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Cheat codes for stalker shadow of chernobyl. Cheat mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl download cheats for free and without registration

Open bonuses.
Go through "Start" to the game launch folder and select "Unlock Code" (or run the setup-bp.exe file from the installation folder) and enter the following codes:

pseudodog - Open multiplayer map
snork - Open multiplayer map

Open the console using the [`] key. Then enter:

g_always_run 1 - enable unlimited running
g_always_run 0 - disable unlimited running

Something like codes for Stalkera.
There are 2 ways to speed up the game:

1. Find the file: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\User.alx
Replace all text in it with the following:

Preset Default
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on
bind jump kSPACE
bind crouch kRCONTROL
bind crouch_toggle kSLASH
bind accel kLSHIFT
bind sprint_toggle kX
bind forward kUP
bind back kDOWN
bind lstrafe kLEFT
bind rstrafe kRIGHT
bind llookout kQ
bind rlookout kE
bind cam_zoom_in kADD
bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT
bind torch kL
bind night_vision kN
bind wpn_1 k1
bind wpn_2 k2
bind wpn_3 k3
bind wpn_4 k4
bind wpn_5 k5
bind wpn_6 k6
bind artefact k7
bind wpn_next kY
bind wpn_fire mouse1
bind wpn_zoom mouse2
bind wpn_reload kR
bind wpn_func kV
bind wpn_firemode_prev k9
bind wpn_firemode_next k0
bind pause kPAUSE
bind drop kG
bind use kF
bind scores kTAB
bind chat kCOMMA
bind chat_team kPERIOD
bind screenshot kF12
bind quit kESCAPE
bind console kGRAVE
bind inventory kI
bind buy_menu kB
bind skin_menu kO
bind team_menu kU
bind active_jobs kP
bind map kM
bind contacts kH
bind vote_begin kF5
bind vote kF6
bind vote_yes kF7
bind vote_no kF8
bind speech_menu_0 kC
bind speech_menu_1 kZ
bind use_bandage kRBRACKET
bind use_medkit kLBRACKET
cam_inert 0.
cam_slide_inert 0.25
cl_cod_pickup_mode 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair on
g_always_run on
g_autopickup on
g_backrun on
g_corpsenum 10
g_eventdelay 0
g_game_difficulty gd_stalker
hud_crosshair on
hud_crosshair_dist off
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated off
mm_net_con_publicserver off
mm_net_con_spectator 20
mm_net_con_spectator_on off
mm_net_srv_gamemode st_deathmatch
mm_net_srv_maxplayers 32
mm_net_srv_name BLACKBOX
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type 1
mm_net_weather_rateofchange 1.
mouse_invert off
mouse_sens 0.32
net_cl_icurvesize 0
net_cl_icurvetype 0
net_cl_interpolation 0.
net_cl_log_data off
net_cl_pending_lim 3
net_cl_update_rate 30
net_dedicated_sleep 5
net_sv_log_data off
net_sv_pending_lim 3
net_sv_update_rate 30
ph_frequency 75.00000
ph_iterations 24
r1_dlights on
r1_dlights_clip 10.
r1_glows_per_frame 16
r1_lmodel_lerp 0.1
r1_pps_u -1.
r1_pps_v 0.
r1_ssa_lod_a 64.
r1_ssa_lod_b 48.
r1_tf_mipbias 0.
r2_aa off
r2_aa_break 0.800000,0.500000,0.000000
r2_aa_kernel 0.5
r2_aa_weight 0.250000,0.250000,0.000000
r2_allow_r1_lights off
r2_gi off
r2_gi_clip 0.001
r2_gi_depth 1
r2_gi_photons 16
r2_gi_refl 0.9
r2_gloss_factor 1.4
r2_ls_bloom_fast off
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 0.7
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 3.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.7
r2_ls_bloom_speed 100.
r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.001
r2_ls_depth_bias -0.0003
r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001
r2_ls_dsm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_psm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_squality 0.5
r2_ls_ssm_kernel 0.7
r2_mblur 0.
r2_parallax_h 0.04
r2_slight_fade 0.05
r2_ssa_lod_a 96.
r2_ssa_lod_b 64.
r2_sun on
r2_sun_depth_far_bias -0.00001
r2_sun_depth_far_scale 1.
r2_sun_depth_near_bias 0.00001
r2_sun_depth_near_scale 1.
r2_sun_details off
r2_sun_focus on
r2_sun_lumscale 1.
r2_sun_lumscale_amb 0.5
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 1.
r2_sun_near 12.
r2_sun_near_border 0.75
r2_sun_tsm on
r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01
r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3
r2_tf_mipbias -3.
r2_tonemap on
r2_tonemap_adaptation 1.
r2_tonemap_amount 0.7
r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.0001
r2_tonemap_middlegray 0.6
r2_wait_sleep 0
r2_zfill off
r2_zfill_depth 0.5
r2em 2.
r__detail_density 0.44
r__geometry_lod 1.2
r__supersample 4
r__tf_aniso 12
renderer renderer_r2
rs_c_brightness 1.
rs_c_contrast 1.
rs_c_gamma 1.2
rs_fullscreen on
rs_refresh_60hz off
rs_stats off
rs_v_sync off
rs_vis_distance 1.
snd_acceleration on
snd_cache_size 32
snd_efx on
snd_targets 24
snd_volume_eff 0.8
snd_volume_music 1.
sv_anomalies_enabled 1
sv_anomalies_length 3
sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30
sv_artefact_stay_time 3
sv_artefacts_count 10
sv_auto_team_balance 0
sv_auto_team_swap 1
sv_bearercantsprint 1
sv_client_reconnect_time 60
sv_console_update_rate 1
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100
sv_dmgblockindicator 1
sv_dmgblocktime 0
sv_forcerespawn 0
sv_fraglimit 10
sv_friendly_indicators 0
sv_friendly_names 0
sv_friendlyfire 1.
sv_hail_to_winner_time 7000
sv_pda_hunt 1
sv_pending_wait_time 10000
sv_reinforcement_time 0
sv_remove_corpse 1
sv_remove_weapon 1
sv_returnplayers 1
sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0
sv_shieldedbases 1
sv_spectr_firsteye 1
sv_spectr_freefly 0
sv_spectr_freelook 1
sv_spectr_lookat 1
sv_spectr_teamcamera 1
sv_statistic_collect 1
sv_statistic_save_auto 0
sv_timelimit 0
sv_vote_enabled 1
sv_vote_participants 0
sv_vote_quota 0.51
sv_vote_time 1.
sv_warm_up 0
texture_lod 2
vid_mode 1280x1024

2. Run the game with the -noprefetch parameter

Games in the Stalker series, based on the works of the Strugatsky brothers, burst into our lives as one of the first successful projects in the CIS. And in connection with this, they acquired a huge number of fans throughout the entire territory of the former USSR. At the same time, it is acquiring a whole garland of cards, modifications and other various in-game products, such as T-shirts, mugs and book series.

The game has a lot of fans, but at the same time it remains one of the most difficult games to complete. It is not surprising that modding of game parameters is actively developing. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to such a sensitive issue regarding whether. To realize your wildest gaming fantasies, visiting unknown locations and fighting scary mobs, you will first have to get into the game files and make some adjustments. First you need to dig out a file called actor.ltx. It lies in the deep annals of the folder with configuration files. First of all, make a backup copy of the file, since you can easily use your licensed copy to become unusable.

Game parameters responsible for the loss of health units

By resetting all of the following parameters, you become invulnerable:
  • radiation_health_v = # - by specifying 0 instead of octatorp, you will stop receiving damage from radiation;
  • satiety_critical = # - critical value of satiety (in tenths of one), at which the process of losing precious HP begins. Write 0 and don't starve;
  • health_hit_part = # - percentage of a hit that goes towards wasting health. 0 – and again you are in little danger;
  • power_hit_part = # - the same, but about strength. Feel free to reset;
  • bleeding_v = # - bleeding strength. Measured in units of blood loss from a normal wound. Also equate to zero;

Increase the octatorp value several times and you will regenerate like a mutant lizard:

  • min_wound_size = # - denotes the minimum size of the wound after healing;
  • wound_incarnation_v = # - indicates the speed at which the wound heals;
  • psy_health_v = #- psionic health is restored at this rate.

Reset the parameters, and no triathlete in the world can compare with you:

  • walk_power = # - loss in units of power during normal walking without a burden, units per second. Equal to Zero;
  • walk_weight_power = # - a similar parameter, responsible for the loss of strength when walking, taking into account the maximum load, units per second. Reset without breaking a heartbeat.

Thus, we have considered not only how to make immortality in Stalker, but we also analyzed the individual parameters of such a “state”, and therefore - if you do not want to lose the desire to play further - adjust only a few of them in order to gain partial invulnerability!

Fans of the game Stalker x10 are interested in door codes no less than other unclear points. It should be noted that inexperienced users constantly ask such questions. Thus, questions arise - how to open the door or how to turn on the player, how to get weapons or where is the cache located?!

Codes for Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl are needed in order to gain access to bonus levels. In principle, these codes are a kind of amateur cheats. In order to use the codes, you need to go to the game folder and find the “setup-bp.exe” file. The specified file should be launched, then select the language and enter the codes.

It's no secret that cheats for Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl are very popular. There are many different ways to make the gameplay easier. For example, you can use special programs that can make changes to standard game files.

Codes for stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Codes that give a bonus to content:

In the main folder with the stalker installation, find a file called setup-bp.exe

Select the desired language and enter these codes

pseudodog - unlocks bonus No. 1

snork - unlocks bonus No. 2

then press the NEXT key and the bonuses will open

Various glitches with items in the game

Everyone knows that a player can wear a limited number

Things in the bag, and the more things in the bag...

Especially for you I dug up codes for the stalker stalker

Codes in the stalker game are usually used to obtain any additional capabilities; each code has a specific command that activates a specific function in the game, thereby giving the player some ability or something additional. I’ll say right away that the codes do not work on all versions of Stalker.

god - invulnerability

give all - all opyzhie

noclip - walk through walls

notarget - enemies can't see you

give ammo - all ammo

Also versions of stalker for which these codes are suitable stalker clear sky clear sky, S T A L K E R Shadow of Chernobyl shadow of Chernobyl, Call of Pripyat call of Pripyat

Attention: The cheat codes from this article are not suitable for some versions of the game “Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl”; we recommend reading about using cheats!

So, let's look at cheats (cheat codes) for the game “Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl”. To call up a complete list of all commands and their descriptions, you will need to enter the “help” command in the game console. For those who don’t know how to enter the console: during the game, press the “`” (tilde) key, it is located on top of the “Tab” key. A console window will appear at the top of the screen, enter the command we need and press “Enter”. The command will be executed if it was entered correctly. Press “`” (tilde) again and the console window disappears.

The list of codes in the game is very large, everything is in English, so arm yourself with a translator in advance if you want to delve deeper into the game. In the meantime, we will describe only the most popular console cheat codes for Stalker.

Preset(High) — set the graphics quality, list of parameters: (Minimum|Low|Default|High|Extreme).

g_money() — give the player money, write the required amount in parentheses.

g_god(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - enable or disable the hero's immortality.

g_kill() - kill a player if we are stuck somewhere and cannot get out. We leave the parentheses empty.

g_always_run(on) - command parameters ‘on/off’ - our hero always runs.

g_game_difficulty(gd_master) - change the difficulty of the game, for example gd_master - to switch to master difficulty. List of parameters: gd_novice, gd_stalker, gd_veteran, gd_master.

g_restart() - restart the game.

g_unlimitedammo(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - turns on or off endless ammo.

hud_fov(0.75) — set the desired viewing angle in the game. The parameter ranges from 0.000 to 1.000.
hud_draw(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - turn on or off the display of the HUD.

hud_weapon(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - enable or disable the display of weapons in the game.

g_corpsenum(20) — displays the number of corpses in the game, 100 maximum.

g_important_save(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - disable or enable saves at key points.

hud_crosshair(on) - command parameters 'on/off' - enable or disable the crosshair of the sight.

hud_crosshair_dist(on) — parameters of the ‘on/off’ command, displaying the distance to the object.

load(name) - load a save by name.

load_last_save() - load the last save, no name required.

vid_mode(800×600) — launch the game with the desired screen resolution. List of parameters: (800 × 600 | 1024 × 768 | 1152 × 864 | 1280 × 720 | 1280 × 768 | 1280 × 800 | 1280 × 960 | 1280 × 1024 | 1360 × 768 | 1600 × 900 | 1600 × 1024 | 1600 × 1200|1680×1050|1920×1080|1440×900)

To get all the cheats and fine-tune the game parameters of “Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl”, use the help command, and then the corresponding commands. Some of the above commands work for Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat, but it is better to use the help command from the console of these games so as not to make mistakes in writing cheats. For those who don’t like to experiment with cheats, we recommend installing the ‘ ‘ mod for the desired version of the game. “Lord of the Zone” gives you much more options in the game settings and getting all sorts of endless modes and bonuses in the Stalker game.

This is my edited version of the Zone Master Ultimate mod for Shadows of Chernobyl. All unnecessary things have been removed from the mod and therefore it is compatible with any modifications (even with a symbion, I checked it myself) Controls: be sure to start a new game in the pause menu with the M button (English) ...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl: Untiring+600 kg, without system file) for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere. Cheat. Compatible with any version of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and any mods. For those who can’t do it themselves. Without the system file, since it led to crashes. Since it’s a system file. After how the weight will exceed the red...

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Merchants sell everything. Without bugs and crashes Now the bartender and Sidorovich sell everything except artifacts (Sorry, I didn’t add artifacts at all as a merchant) and the number of first aid kits has been slightly reduced. Sakharov, Skryaga and Petrenko are not selling everything, but they are selling goods...

Cheat-Mode (Zone Lord / Spawnermod 6.0) for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Cheat (All friends) for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

The cheat mod makes EVERYONE (mercenaries, monolith, bandits, freedom, duty, stalkers, mutants, scientists, zombies) friends. And even if you extinguish them, everyone is still friends. Mod for fun. Please don't judge strictly. This is my first cheat. :) Installation: from...

Cheat Mod (Zone Master - compatible, additional weapons) for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Lord of the Zone. Original developer: STALKERSCHRAM. Further trimming for mods: 8_ViKtoR_8, adding trunks and fixing minor errors: Iorvet. Hi all. I noticed such a thing that none of the standard spawners on the PM that I saw lacked any weapons. IN...

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Cheat Mod (People's Hodgepodge Spawn Mod) for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

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