Computer lessons

VKontakte video call how to call. Voice and video calls on VKontakte How to communicate in VKontakte using a camera

Many users do not know how to call VK from a computer or mobile phone, despite the fact that many of them have been using this social network to communicate with their loved ones for several years. Today we want to tell you in detail about how to call VK from a computer or smartphone in 2018. Our article also contains information on how to properly configure your device for this and what are the main mistakes that people most often make when trying to make a call to VK.

How to make a VK call from a computer?

Users often wonder whether it is possible to make calls from a computer (PC) to VK and, if so, how exactly to do this - and this is not surprising, because before it really could be done. Alas, at the moment there is no option to call VK via a laptop - the developers decided to remove it, the reasons for this can only be guessed at.

  • Many sites provide instructions asking you to go to the page of the desired person, and under his photo to the right of the “Send message” button you can supposedly find the necessary button to make a call. But this information is outdated.

We can only hope that the developers will once again return this opportunity to social users. networks! But what if you still want to call the right person on VK? It's simple - you can do it from your smartphone or in the official application.

How to make a VK call from a mobile phone?

First of all, I would like to warn all mobile device users that you can call a friend on VK from a phone or tablet only if the VKontakte mobile application is installed on it. Also, be sure to check if your application is updated to the latest version.

If everything is in order with the technical side of the matter, then you can use the instructions below on how to make a video call on VK (or without this function) to any other user:

  • Log in to your page and open the profile of the person you want to call.
  • Take a close look at your friend's photo and look for a handset-shaped icon in the upper right part of it. Click on this icon.
  • The call has started. There are now additional icons on your screen. With their help, you can turn a regular call into a video call, as well as turn off the microphone or sound.

As soon as your potential interlocutor answers the call, the call will take place.

Why can’t I make a call from a computer via VK?

There are several main problems that users encounter most often when trying to call VKontakte via a computer webcam or using mobile devices. If you are unable to call, be sure to check yourself against this list.

  • Missing call button? It's time to update the app on your phone. In this case, it helps to clear the browser cache on your computer.
  • Video call not working? Adobe Flash Player is not installed on your computer or its version is outdated.
  • Can't they hear you? Check if the microphone is working.
  • Is the call slow or interrupted? It may be due to an unstable Internet connection.

We hope that we have helped you figure out the question of how to correctly call a person on VK from a computer or mobile phone; If you do not understand something or have difficulties in some part of following our instructions, then you can contact our specialists at any time by leaving a comment on this page.

VKontakte calls became active less than a month ago. At the moment, this innovation is not something innovative in the environment of modern popular social networks. However, many users of the largest social network in Russia are still experiencing some difficulties with activating VK calls and using them in everyday life.

Today, the usual services of mobile operators (SMS messages, roaming and voice calls) are inferior to the means of communication of instant messengers. Recently, audio and video calls for owners of iOS and Android devices appeared in the official VKontakte mobile application.

VKontakte calls 2018

In March 2018, Ernst&Young published the results of a study of the Internet access market in the capital and other large Russian cities. 31% of survey participants equally use both standard voice communication and the capabilities of instant messengers. For 8% of respondents, instant messengers have become the main method of communication - they almost never use the services of cellular operators.

How to turn off calls on VK?

The user gets the opportunity to configure the list of people who can call him. Groups that have permission to write private messages have the same ability.

Privacy settings allow you to narrow or expand the list of who can make voice or video calls.

On the launch day of this function, April 28, users offered the opportunity to make free calls to VKontakte to those people who had a birthday on that date, so that their calls would be activated. After this, the caller and the user who received the call can call their friends and activate the function for them. Access will gradually be opened to all users who have updated the mobile application.

According to, the total number of users of the social network is 97 million, and 80 million people use the mobile application. Thus, calling VKontakte from a phone immediately became popular.

At the same time, the video calling function was available on VKontakte earlier – from 2011 to 2016. Users did not appreciate this innovation, since calls could only be made through the browser version from a PC. There were often problems with communication.

End-to-end encryption ensures the security of your calls. It takes place on people's devices, so the contents of conversations will not be known to anyone. Technically, it is not possible to transfer keys and provide access to personal information outside the device.

To improve the quality of communication, Peer-to-Peer routes have become a priority, which allows the connection to pass directly between people. In cases where there is no direct connection, traffic will be transmitted through VK servers. There is no technical ability to gain access to conversations in this situation either.

Calls to VK: how to activate

Access to calls will be opened gradually. So, on the launch day, users were able to call the birthday person and at the same time activate their voice and video call function.

At the same time, VKontakte calls are not something fundamentally new. Voice and video calls are a standard feature of many modern instant messengers, including Viver, WhatsApp, Telegram, as well as social networks Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

The developers of the popular Russian social network VKontakte have added a call function for users. Using this feature, you can talk with friends without using a mobile phone. In order to activate the calling function on VKontakte, you need to change the parameters in the settings.

Calls on the social network VKontakte have become quite popular in Russia. This function must be activated before using it. First of all, you need to update the version of VKontakte on your mobile device. Then you need to go to your personal page on the VKontakte social network. After that, you need to go to settings and then select privacy settings. In the privacy settings, you need to change the parameters “who can call me” to “all users”.

After setting up the privacy section, the user should receive an incoming call from a friend. An incoming VKontakte call must come from a user who is also configured to have access to calls from all users. After activating the VKontakte calling function, you can use this function at any time without unnecessary problems.

How to call via VK: additional settings

Before activating the calling function, you need to update the VKontakte application. To do this, you need to go to Playmarket for Android or App Store for Apple iPhone. After that, enter the word VKontakte in the search bar of the store. And then download this application to your mobile phone. You need to download the latest version of VKontakte.

The latest version of VKontakte already has in its settings all the necessary parameters to activate the calls and video calls function. Using VKontakte calls you can communicate with friends and colleagues absolutely free. Receiving calls is quite simple, you just need to click “answer call.” Internet users are intensely discussing the new VKontakte feature. Some VKontakte users write in their comments that activating this function is quite simple. On the YouTube video hosting service, bloggers tell in detail how to activate the calling function.

Starting today, you can make voice and video calls on Vkontakte. In this guide, I will tell you how to call VKontakte from your phone, and what to do if there is no call icon.

How to call VKontakte if there is no icon

Instructions will be provided below, since many VK users have not yet had this opportunity:

  1. First of all, you need to update VKontakte, this can be done in Google Play or the App Store, depending on your platform. It is worth noting that access to the service will appear gradually.
  2. The button for making a call is located in the profile or dialogue with the user. To activate calls, you need to receive a call from someone who already has this function active. You can also call someone whose birthday is Saturday, April 28th. After the end of the conversation, both subscribers will be able to make calls.
  3. Then you can call and enable the new feature to other friends.
  4. In the privacy settings, the user can choose who exactly can call him - everyone, only friends, or people from a list he has defined.

Many people do not like to correspond via chats, as it is easier for them to say than to write. It is for them that the ability to make calls has been developed. Therefore, they will be interested in learning how to make calls in Contact. This is very convenient, because you don’t need to use additional programs for communication, and the list of contacts on the social network is quite large. You can hear your best friend or classmate who are not available in other communication services. For example, in Skype.

What you will need to make a call

Before calling Contact, make sure that your computer is equipped with all the necessary equipment for this. You must have the following devices:

. headphones or speakers;
. webcam.

You can do without the latter, but then the interlocutor will not see you, but only hear you. Everything must be connected and in working order at the time of the call, otherwise the extension will throw an error and disconnect you. In addition, you must have the Adobe Flash Player add-on installed, which allows you to work with video transmission over the network. You should already have it if you play browser games, otherwise you'll need to download or install it.

Where to get Flash Player

First of all, see if it is listed in the list of installed programs. If it is there, then you can safely perform such an action as calling in Contact. Otherwise you need to install it.

To do this, type “Install Adobe Flash Player” into the search engine and find links that satisfy this request. Usually the very first one is the official website You need to select your parameters in the fields that appear:

Operating system version.
. The version of Flash Player you want to install.

FP 17 is now available for download and installation in three versions for different browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera and for programs based on Chromium, Firefox. Once you have set the required parameters, click the "Download" button. Next, the installation will only require a couple of confirmations. Be careful, as in the flash player you will be asked to install an anti-virus permission for browsers - McFree, if you do not need it - remove the checkbox in one of the windows from the request for permission to install it.

How to bring up a list of installed programs

To find out whether everything is installed and whether you can make calls in Contact, you need to call up the list of installed programs. To do this, in the Start menu or in the list of applications (for Windows 8), find the “Control Panel” icon. In the window that opens, select “Programs and Features.” After clicking on this tab, a list of all applications installed on your PC will be opened for you, in alphabetical order.

You can also use specialized software, with which you will not need to search for the desired folder with programs. For example, the CCleaner program is widely popular. It has a tab where you can see the presence of Flash Player and its version.

Instructions: how to call in "Contact"

Making the connection is quite simple. Wait until the subscriber you need is online and go to his page. Under the avatar, to the right of the “Send message” button, a small icon will appear with an image of a video camera on a blue background.

Turn on your webcam and click on this button. The first time you call, a small window will appear asking the Adobe extension to use it for the call. Place the marker on the word “Remember” and click “Allow”. Another time, you can make calls in Contact without giving permission to use the flash player.

The person you are calling will see a dark window on their PC screen. It will contain your avatar, name and two keys. With the help of them he can accept the challenge or reject it. If a call is made to you from another subscriber, then you will see such a window.

After the user accepts your call, you will see an image from their webcam in a small window. He, in turn, will see what was captured by you.

What determines the quality of communication?

Image quality and audibility depend primarily on the configuration of your equipment and the speed of your Internet connection. The greatest problems are experienced by those who have low speed. In this case, the call may freeze, lag, and the more megapixels in the camera, the clearer the image will be.

Many users are interested in the question of how to make calls through Contact if there is no webcam? The connection with the subscriber will succeed, but instead of an image, a crossed out camera icon will appear on your screen.

Despite the fact that the call function appeared quite a long time ago, there was no interest in it for a long time due to serious shortcomings. It cannot be said that it has grown significantly now; despite the advantages of this application, it does not overload the system and does not need to be opened in a separate window; the list of users is quite large due to the popularity of “Contact”.

That's all. We thank every reader for your attention.