Computer lessons

Total var codes. Trainers and cheats for Total War: Attila

We present you a list of all known cheats for our favorite game. To use codes in Rome: Total War, press ~ (tilde), and then in the console that opens, enter the desired combination and apply it with the Enter button.

Complete list of various cheats for Rome: Total War

Entered codeExecution result
add_money [value]After activation you will receive the specified amount of money
gamestop or bestbuyProvides a 10% discount on units in campaign mode
oliphauntCheat code increases elephants by 40% in campaign mode
jerichoThe walls fall in siege mode in battle mode in Rome: Total War
add_population [city] [value]Adds any population to the city selected by the cheat code
toggle_fowTurns off or back on the fog of war (blackouts on the map)
list_charactersCheat code displays a list of all existing characters in Rome: Total War
give_trait [character] [trait] [value]Gives the selected character a specific trait at the specified level
list_traitsPrints a list of all traits, will help for the previous code
process_cq [city]The cheat code ends all current construction in the specified city
process_rq [city]Ends all current recruitment in the selected city
[any cheat code] ?Shows description and help for the specified command in Rome: Total War
auto_win attacker or defenderInstant victory for the attacker or defender, respectively
move_character [character]The cheat code teleports the selected character to the specified coordinates
force_diplomacy accept or declineAny diplomacy will be accepted or rejected accordingly. To turn it off – force_diplomacy off
invulnerable_general [character]Makes the specified general in Rome: Total War invulnerable in battle
date [year]The cheat code switches the current year in the game to the selected one
kill_character [character]Instantly kills the character you specify
season summer or winterChanges the season to summer or winter accordingly
capture_settlement [city]Cheat code for capturing a specified city in Rome: Total War
give_ancillary [character] [skill]Grants the selected character the selected ability.
list_ancillariesLists skills in Rome: Total War (for previous cheat code)
nw_statsCheat code enables or disables the display of network statistics
character_reset [character]Returns the specified character at the start of the turn
mp [character] [meaning]Gives the selected character the specified number of movement units
force_battle_victoryCheat code provides instant victory in the current battle in Rome: Total War
force_battle_defeatProvides instant defeat in the current battle

Cheats via editing Rome: Total War files

Open the root folder of the game Rome: Total War and in it go to the Data > world > maps > campaign > imperial_campaign directory. There, find the file descr_strat.txt and open it with any text editor. It will greatly change the game Rome: Total War and provide benefits comparable to cheat codes.

1) At the beginning of the code there are two columns with states: playable and nonplayable, playable and non-playable nations, respectively. By moving the name of a country, Rome: Total War, from the second column to the first, you will open up the opportunity to play for it, which cannot be achieved with other cheats.

2) If you want to change the start and end dates of the game, to do this, change the values ​​next to the lines start_date and end_date respectively. Please note that the historical events of Rome: Total War will, in any case, take place in the year allotted to them, and this cannot be corrected with cheat codes.

3) Find the line with the text start of factions section. After it, as you might guess, there is data about all the factions, which is simply a treat for lovers of cheat codes. Each nation at the beginning has a denari line with some number - this is the starting capital of this nation in Rome: Total War. You can change it at your discretion, so that, for example, each time you start the game with a lot of money and do not use cheat codes for this.

4) There is also an interesting section, which can be found by following the line start of diplomacy section. This lists the diplomatic relations of all Rome: Total War factions towards each other on a scale of -10 to 600, with 600 being the most aggressive. You can change these values ​​to affect diplomacy early in the game - another unique feature compared to just cheat codes. Keep in mind that over time, relations in Rome: Total War will still change.

In addition, the file contains several more sections with various options for regulating Rome: Total War. They can also replace or supplement the use of some cheat codes. Don’t forget to save changes and make backup copies in order to restore the functionality of your Rome: Total War if something happens.

Below is a list of console commands - each command has lines: a description, if relevant, then the syntax of the command and an example of its application are additionally indicated (the syntax and example are indicated in “such” quotes, the rest of the text of the lines is explanatory) or the method of application. If any of these lines is missing, it means that it is not needed. The teams are divided into thematic groups. To use console commands, you should open the console in the running game (on the strategy map) and enter the command in English, to do this you need to press the ~ (tilde) key on the keyboard - it is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. You should enter not only commands in English, but also their parameters, which must correspond to their name in the game text files. This is a prerequisite for the console command to be executed - otherwise the game simply will not understand what they want from it. For example, in the Russian version of the game, the name of the Italian city “Rome” corresponds to the English “Rome”.

main part:

Description: Change (increase or decrease) the amount of money of your own or another faction. To decrease, enter a negative amount, for example, add -1000. To clarify the names of factions, you can view the file descr_strat.txt

syntax: “add_money ±number” - for your faction or “add_money faction_name, ±number” for another

example: “add_money 5000” “add_money england, -5000”

description: Change (add or subtract) the population of the specified city

syntax: “add_population, City_name ±number”

example: "add_population, London 500" or "add_population London, -500"

Description: Win the next (auto) battle

syntax: "auto_win battle side"; possible sides: “attacker” (attacker) or “defender” (defender)

example: "auto_win attacker" or "auto_win defender"

Description: Unknown

Description: Reset the used movement points of the specified character.

syntax: "character_reset Character_name"

example: "character_reset Rufus"

description: Create a squad in the specified city (the names of the squads can be found in the file


syntax: “create_unit City_name Unit_name” if the unit name consists of one word, “create_unit City_name “unit name”” if more

example: "create_unit London, Peasants" or "create_unit London "Mailed Knights""

Description: Give anch (retinue character) to the specified character

syntax: "give_trait Character_name Anch_name"

example: "give_ancillary William bard"

description: Give a trait (character trait) to the specified character

syntax: "give_trait Character_name trait_name"

example: "give_trait William Drink"

Description: Move the specified character to the map coordinate

syntax: "move_character Character_name x-coordinate, y-coordinate"

example: "move_character William 6,150"

Description: Unknown

syntax: features or parameters unknown

description: Construct the first building in the queue (list) of ordered buildings in the specified city

syntax: "process_cq CityName"

example: "process_cq London"


Description: Remove anch (retinue character) from the specified character

syntax: "remove_ancillary Character_name Ancha_name"

example: "remove_ancillary William bard"

description: Remove a trait (character trait) from the specified character

syntax: “remove_trait Character_name trait_name”

example: "remove_trait William Drink"


description: Get the coordinates of the cell (tile) of the strategic map under the cursor, for example, the coordinate of the location of the army on the stratum. map, used for positioning armies, fleets and characters when making changes in the game at the strategic level

description: Disable the “fog of war” - this will allow you to see all cities and the movement of armies, fleets and characters; To enable, enter the command again

description: Enable one of the special modes for editing/debugging strata. maps – tga files from the Base folder are superimposed on the regular strat map in the game; available modes: region (province), tiletype (terrain types groundtypes), climate (climate), choke (insurmountable obstacles), landing (land), frontier (more clearly shows the boundaries of provinces), features (rivers), frontier_defend (places convenient for ambushes and defense of strategic passages on the map); To disable the mode, enter the command again

syntax: "toggle_terrain mode" available modes: region; tiletype, climate, choke, landing, frontier, features, frontier_defend

example: "toggle_terrain region"

cheats (cheating codes):

description: Add 1 Elephant Artillery unit to a garrison or army, with small serpentine cannons mounted on the elephant towers; to add another squad, re-enter the code

description: Add 1 Elephant Rocketeer unit to a garrison or army; to add another squad, re-enter the code

application: select (click) a city or army, open the console and enter the code

Description: Add 1 Elephants squad to a garrison or army, the elephant's "crew" is armed with arquebuses; to add another squad, re-enter the code

application: select (click) a city or army, open the console and enter the code

description: Add 1 Mercenary Monster Bombard unit to a garrison or army; to add another squad, re-enter the code

application: select (click) a city or army, open the console and enter the code

description: Add 1 Mercenary Monster Ribault unit to a garrison or army; to add another squad, re-enter the code

application: select (click) a city or army, open the console and enter the code

description: Add 1 Mercenary Rocket Launcher squad to a garrison or army; to add another squad, re-enter the code

application: select (click) a city or army, open the console and enter the code

commands for hotsit (work only in hotsit games with the console enabled):

syntax: "logon password"

example: "logon 777"

Description: Exit administrator mode

syntax: no features or parameters

description: Set the email address of the player of the specified faction

syntax: “set_email faction_name [email protected]

example: “set_email poland [email protected]»

description: Set a password for a hotsit game for the specified faction, written twice (the second time is confirmation)

syntax: “set_password faction_name password password”

example: “set_password poland pass pass”

Description: Remove the password from the hotsit game for the specified faction

syntax: "clear _password faction_name"

example: "clear _password poland"

scripted (works only in scripts):


Description: Capture the specified city

syntax: "console_command capture_settlement City_name"

example: "console_command capture_settlement York"

description: Construction of the specified building in the specified city (the names of the buildings can be found in the file


syntax: "console_command create_building City_name building_name"

example: "console_command create_building London small_church"

Adding assistants to Generals

Here is a list of assistants (environment members) that can be added using the give_ancillary command.

These codes also require that the character to whom you want to add assistants be selected.

give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME

Below is a list of assistants (actually ANCILLARYNAME) that can be added to Generals.

drillmaster +25% to movement, discount when hiring

brilliant_inventor +30 cost points, +1 farming, 20% bonus to profit from mines

bard Adds Morale, Popularity

doctor Has more children, improves the chance of repairing damage.

apothecary Has more children.

mentor Increases Command

shieldbearer Increases Hit Points, Decreases Morale

swordbearer Increases Hit Points, Personal Bodyguard

bodyguard Increases Personal Security, Reduces Popularity

foodtaster Increases Personal Safety

tutor Increases Piety, Profit from Trade

Adding Units to Stacks

Select a city or any unit for movement and open the console. Simply enter george or any value from the list and press Enter to get the corresponding unit.

rogan Artillery on an elephant

vindaloo Rockets on an elephant

madras Elephants

istanbul Mercenaries Monster Bombard

george Mercenaries Monster Ribault

houston Mercenaries Rocket Launcher

Console codes.

Press the tilde (~) and enter the following codes. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure that it is capitalized: the names of all family members, settlements, and in general everything that is necessary are “capitalized.” Otherwise it won't work

character_reset Allows the character to walk again. Doesn't always work

add_population "city name" "number" Allows you to automatically increase the city's population.

give_trait this "trait" "level value" Allows you to give any trait available to a faction to a specific general.

process_cq "city name" Everything in the city's build queue will be built automatically.

add_money "amount" Adds a certain amount of gold.

show_cursorstat Shows coordinates under the mouse cursor in x,y format

toggle_fow Enables/disables "Fog of War".

auto_win "attacker/defender" While on the battle scroll, enter this code (attacker if you are attacking and defender if you are defending) and press the auto-battle button. Automatically win.

move_character z x,y z=name of a settlement or unit without a title (except Captain).


Create Unit

Using the console, enter the following

create_unit "settlement or character" "unit ID" "number(1-5)" "experience(1-9)" "armor(1-3)" "weapon(1-3)"

For example-creat_unit "London" Longbowmen 2 9 3 3

This code will create 2 Archers in London with 3 Gold Chevrons, level 3 armor and level 3 weapons

create_unit "settlement or character" "unit ID" "amount (1-5)" "experience (1-9)" "armor (1-3)" "weapon (1-3)"

Creates Unit at any settlement/general you like

Detailed Codes for Several Console Commands

Press ~ to access the console. As described above, the "give_trait" command works with several different characteristics. Which can be added to the character. For this to work, you must have a character selected outside the city. It works like this:

give_trait this TRAITNAME #below is a list of TRAITNAMEs and the maximum value possible for entering a characteristic value. Here is a list of the main characteristics:

Loyal 3 +Chivalry, Loyalty

Brave 3 +Morality

PoliticsSkill 3 - loyalty, + influence

Intelligent 3 Improved Command, Profit

MathematicsSkill 3 Increased profit

GoodAdministrator 3 Increased legality, Profit from trading

GoodMiner 3 Increased Profit from Mines

GoodTrader 3 Increased profit from trading

FathersLegacy 3 Increased Influence

VictorVirtue 3 Increased Chivalry

BattleChivalry 5 Increased Chivalry

NaturalMilitarySkill 3 Improved Command

GoodAmbusher 5 Increases command skill (situational)

GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)

GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)

GoodDefender 5 Increases command skill (situational)

GoodAttacker 5 Increases command skill (situational)

GoodCommander 5 Increases command skill

BattleDread 4 Increases Awe

Energetic 3 Increases movement points

HighPersonalSecurity 3 Improves personal security

PublicFaith 4 Increases Piety

HaleAndHearty 3 More children, increased the number of lives of the General

Give Helpers and Traits to Spies/Assassins

As already mentioned, use the tilde (~).

Here is a list of various assistants (members of the retinue) that can be added using the give_ancillary command. In order for the code to work, it is necessary that the desired character be selected. give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME Below is a list of (ANCILLARYNAME values) that can be applied to Spies/Assassins.

THE NOTE: For values ​​marked "TRAIT", use:

give_trait this TRAITNAME #

in order to give the agent a character trait (case affects).

catamite +1 to agent skills

courtesan +1 to agent skills

pickpocket +1 to agent skills

dancer +2 to agent skills

GoodSaboteur 3 TRAIT +1-3 for the killer, increases sabotage skills

GoodAssassin 5 TRAIT +1-5 increases assassin skills

GoodSpy 5 TRAIT +1-5 increases spy skills

F1— activate the trainer
F2- disable anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless moves
F5- quick construction
F6- quick hiring
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F10- endless social order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
Num 1- God 'mode
Num 2- restore the size of the army
Number 3- super army size
Number 4- the general is 30 years old
Num 5- infinite immunity for generals
Number 6- general skills - 50
Number 7- endless general skills
Number 8- endless influence
Number 9- endless loyalty


  1. Launch the trainer.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- disable anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless moves
F5- quick construction
F6- quick hiring
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
Num 1- God 'mode
Num 2- restore the size of the army
Number 3- super size troops
Number 4- the general is 30 years old
Num 5- endless immunity of generals
Number 6- general skills - 50
Number 7- endless general skills
Number 8- endless influence
Number 9- endless loyalty


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- endless gold
Num 2- endless movement
Number 3- heal the squad
Number 4- recruitment in one turn
Num 5- construction in one turn
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8- endless experience
Number 9- endless upgrade points
Num 0- endless tradition points
Ctrl+Num 9- remove all improvement points
Ctrl + Num 0- remove all tradition points
Ctrl + Num 1
Ctrl + Num 2
Home- disable everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- deactivate anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movement
F5- quick designs
F6- fast recruitment
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- endless population
F10- endless public order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammunition
Num 1- God 'mode"
Num 2- restore squad size
Number 3- super squad size
Number 4- general's age - 30
Num 5- endless General's immunity
Number 6- mouth all the general's statistics are 50
Number 7- endless upgrade points for general
Number 8- endless influence
Number 9- endless loyalty


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- deactivate anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movement
F5- quick designs
F6- fast recruitment
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F10- endless social order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
Num 1- God 'mode"
Num 2- restore squad size
Number 3- super squad size
Number 4- general's age - 30
Num 5
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8- endless influence
Number 9- endless loyalty


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- endless gold
Num 2- endless movement
Number 3- heal the squad
Number 4- recruitment in one turn
Num 5- construction in one turn
Number 6- instant technology learning
Number 7- unlock all technologies
Number 8- endless experience
Number 9- endless upgrade points
Num 0- endless tradition points
Ctrl+Num 9- remove all improvement points
Ctrl+Num 0- remove all tradition points
Ctrl+Num 1- other factions cannot move
Ctrl+Num 2- deplete the troops of other factions
Home- cancel everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- disable anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movement
F5- fast construction
F6- quick hiring
F7-quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F10- endless social order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
Num 1- God 'mode
Num 2- restoration of troop size
Number 3- super size of troops
Number 4- the general’s age is 30 years
Num 5- the infinite integrity of the general
Number 6- general statistics by 5
Number 7- endless general skill points
Number 8- endless influence
Number 9- endless loyalty


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- endless gold
Num 2- endless movement
Number 3- heal the squad
Number 4- recruitment in one turn
Num 5- construction in one turn
Number 6- instant technology learning
Number 7- unlock all technologies
Number 8- endless experience
Number 9- endless upgrade points
Num 0- endless tradition points
Ctrl+Num 9- remove all improvement points
Ctrl+Num 0- remove all tradition points
Ctrl+Num 1- other factions cannot move
Ctrl+Num 2- deplete the troops of other factions
Home- cancel everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- deactivate anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movement
F5- quick designs
F6- fast recruitment
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F10- endless social order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
5 - God 'mode"
6 - restore squad size
7 - super squad size
8 - general's age - 30
9 - infinite general immunity
0 - set all general statistics to 50
Insert- endless upgrade points for the general


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- deactivate anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movement
F5- quick designs
F6- fast recruitment
F7- quick research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- infinite population
F10- endless social order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammo
5 - God 'mode"
6 - restore squad size
7 - super squad size
8 - general's age - 30
9 - infinite general immunity
0 - set all general statistics to 50
Insert- endless upgrade points for the general


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- endless gold
Num 2- endless movement
Number 3- heal the squad
Number 4- recruitment in one turn
Num 5- construction in one turn
Number 6- instant technology learning
Number 7- unlock all technologies
Number 8- endless experience
Number 9- endless upgrade points
Num 0- endless tradition points
Ctrl+Num 9- remove all improvement points
Ctrl+Num 0- remove all tradition points
Ctrl+Num 1- other factions cannot move
Ctrl+Num 2- deplete the troops of other factions
Home- cancel everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- disable anti-cheat
F3- endless money
F4- endless movements
F5- accelerated construction
F6- accelerated recruitment of units
F7- accelerated research
F8- endless mercenaries
F9- endless population of cities
F10- unlimited public order
F11- endless food
F12- endless ammunition
5 - God 'mode"
6 - restore the army
7 - increase army size
8 - general's age - 30 years
9 - endless general immunity
0 - +50 points to generals’ statistics


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.